ProjectsJanuary 8, 2017
Octave Website (2016)
I worked with the developers of the GNU Octave scientific computing language on a site redesign. The new site's pages and RSS feeds are generated using Jekyll and the layout is made responsive using Foundation CSS. See the mailing list archives for the discussions that surrounded the new site launch.
Eat Tender Recipe Site (2015)
EatTender is a sous vide recipe website that I maintained at Nomiku. It runs on Rails with a Foundation frontend. I implemented autocompletion and fuzzy search using Elasticsearch, shown above.
AguaClara (2011-2013)
I joined the AguaClara drinking water project as a freshman at Cornell. One of my first projects was revamping the team's' web presence. Originally the site was hosted on a Confluence wiki along with research materials and class calenders; I built this site to be a homepage for the general public, providing easier access to CAD designs and general information. The site has changed since I graduated; here's the archived version.
WASH4All (2012-2014)
WASH4All is a collaboration between members of the Johns Hopkins Environmental Engineering department and AguaClara at Cornell which focuses on developing tools for planning and operating water infrastructure (WASH stands for Water, Sanitation, Health).
Open Data
The first project we worked on was an SMS-based data collection program that launched in 2012 (blog post). You can see all the data that has ever been collected at
Despite having the ability to collect data with our SMS system, the reach of our program was limited by the high cost of water quality measurement devices. We decided to remedy that by creating an open-source device anyone can assemble.
The technology we settled on is called turbidimetry and uses the amount of light refracted by a sample of water as a measurement of its 'cloudiness', which is correlated with difficulty of disinfection. If you are interested in learning more about the project, check out the Github repo (unfortunately not updated recently) and the Wash4All blog. For the very latest, you should email a current project member.